Pull the strings
Production reports and thank-yous

In the past year we have had fun unraveling the word filo, string in English and how it is used in Italian in so many ways. Every month we have used a different meaning for each blog linked precisely to the term strings. The month of January is the last blog that we will dedicate to this "journey" and we will “pull the strings”, like grandfather Ernesto used to do.

“Observations: work in order as usual, still not sufficient for the parcel orders. Although Alfonso was ill for 10 days everything proceeded in order, albeit with sacrifice. All excellent collaborators. In the shop, except for the usual lack of products for Christmas and Boxing Day, it went rather well.
Thank the Lord! Ernesto Pandolfini"
Grandfather Ernesto kept a notebook where he noted down the production made every day: Biscuits, Brutti Buoni, Mantovana Cakes, Glace Cherry Loaves, Florentine schiacciata, Sponge cakes, Cantucci with aniseed. At the end of December of each year our grandfather used to pull the strings, meaning that he made a much more detailed report: yes, he wrote down the production, but he also noted on the excellent workers and commented on the work done and how it was done; he also used to note down all the parcels sent by the Biscuit Factory on behalf of our customers (at the time by the post office). He called it the “work of the logs” because in Prato the Christmas Gift is called the log.

Maybe he complained about the goods that had gone missing, about the flour that had burnt the biscuits, but in the end he was always grateful for the work that had been done!
Us Pandolfini siblings want to do the same and start by thanking our suppliers and our invaluable collaborators. We also thank our loyal Customers who continue to choose us and our products, going to our historic Shop in Prato or to the museum shop in Florence and those who order our products from all over the world. A special thanks goes to our parents and to our grandfather Ernesto who taught us the importance and meaning of the word gratitude. And as they too would have said, Thank God!
Letizia Pandolfini
PS - In the preview picture: Paolo Pandolfini, Lucia e Maria historical shop assistants. Since 1960.