Among the fragrant and generous hills that separate Corridonia from Monte San Giusto, in the province of Macerata, San Michele Arcangelo has been growing since 2007, dedicated to the care of the fruits of the earth, with a passion for goodness.
Careful and expert hands work the fruits of our fields, transforming them into organically certified products. Our artisan laboratory is alive and like any organism it is growing and evolving. It is characterized by low temperature vacuum processing, capable of preserving all the healthy nutrients of the individual products intact, allowing the aromas, colours and textures to be safeguarded.
Compotes with only organic fruit sugars; compotes and jams with organic cane sugar and organic lemon juice; the syrups immersed in an organic cane sugar solution; juices with only organic fruit; vegetables preserved in organic extra virgin olive oil of its own production; ORGANIC purées and sauces without gluten and without added preservatives.
The work of San Michele Arcangelo has foundations that are rooted in social issues, it was started by offering opportunities for reintegration to disadvantaged people, coming from educational and therapeutic procedures.
The excellence of the products of the land and their transformations is the result of work in a stable and positive environment and of the support of young people by professionals in the sector. The love of life and the love of nature merge into a virtuous reality, where what matters is birth for rebirth.
The earth welcomes man, work ennobles him, the community makes him better.